sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2009

Sometimes through the tears that flow
You see life more clearly,
When the pain inside you grows
When life seems drab and dreary
When you see a life being thrown away
On empty dreams of glory
You think on why the world is trying
To ruin someone’s life… end someone’s story

The things you say, the way you feel
The hopeless dreams and goals
The shattered heart, the broken will
The slowly dying soul

If you could only see the pain
of blindly walking through
the gates of those who wish to kill
to hurt for mere pleasure and fun.

I wish that you could see what I
A simple observer can
The pain from which you can not hide
Life hanging by a strand

Hollow shells and lifeless hopes
Covered in silver and gold
Are not worth the life you give
Not worth the “perfection” mold

Life is slipping from your grasp
Like water sinks into the earth
Never to be recalled again
Except by the suns rebirth…

Walked there and back again
Fallen and gotten up
Given all, nothing gained
but a twisted view on what I was
a perspective that’s insane.

My wish for you is that you truly see
What you have lost and gained
You’ve lost your peace of mind
And gotten only pain

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

blue day photos

I woke up this morning feeling a little blue
i looked out the window and the day looked much my same mood
(since it had rained the night before)
but i got the inspiration to put my camera to good use
so here are some blue day photos.


miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

A post from Shriv(one of Hom(mili)'s cohorts....muahahaha

A random post form someone you don't know who always "borrows" [evil snigger]
hom's camera to pursue his own photgraphical dreams.

Haimen and Shriv being so compliant as to genuinely smile for the camera [wipes eyes].
I love these guys.

Esther, Fran and Ange. Smiling benevolently.

Beloved Hest. She's gone for THREE WHOLE WEEKS.

Hom and Rhino the happy couple.
(Well at least Rhino's happy)

sábado, 25 de julio de 2009

we declared... photography afternoon

yes.... i made this

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008

A thought about Success (from Victor Hugo)

It is now 12:15 a.m., I am reading Les Miserables.
I came across a quote (well actually a phrase) on success, i thought it was interesting...

Success; that is the lesson which falls drop by drop from the slope of corruption.
Be it said in passing, that success is a very hideous thing. Its false resemblance to merit deceives men. For the masses, success has almost the same profile as supremacy. Success, that Menaechmus of talent, has one dupe,--history.
In our day, a philosophy which is almost official has entered into its service, wears the livery of success, and performs the service of its antechamber. Succeed: theory. Prosperity argues capacity. Win in the lottery, and behold! you are a clever man. He who triumphs is venerated. Be born with a silver spoon in your mouth! everything lies in that. Be lucky, and you will have all the rest; be happy, and people will think you great.
Well i thought it was cool...

martes, 12 de agosto de 2008

Delusion of mind

Another poem i thought id post.

We have lost our understanding in such themes
As love, freedom and truth in life,
We commonly reject them without hesitating
And resolve that we must forever be prey ...to delusion of mind.
Soon that delusion turns to fact
And our minds become corrupt,
The disease of lies that fills the lack
Of simple knowledge…
The tongues of men and their subtle ways,
Catching throngs by surprise
Sucking false words into darkness they stray,
Holding to heart those well said lies.
They turn a blind eye to the obvious lack
Of justice and of truth,
They don’t want to see their pretty world crack
To crumble and fall as they die… in a wasted land.
A wasted land to a wasted life
And empty shallow state
A void of sense, just pain and strife
Burning inside with hate.
Walking through the desert of their minds
The tortured ache of their parched souls
Lacking the waters of truth
Glassy stares, hearts turned cold
Thus is the life of young and of old
Living in the world of today
Bleeding and broken one strand of life they hold
Throwing their lives away
Someday we will have a world
Where love will reign again
Where smiles through tears will be seen
And we’ll have joy instead of pain
--Delusion of mind

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008

- A word on the world (and Justice)

Last night we were talking about the world and justice and all that stuff andi read a poem so i thought id put it.. i thought it kinda said some cool stuff about the state of the world and stuff.. .

In this world where people kill,

And hurt for wealth and power.

The insanity that someday will,

Descend from evil darkened towers.

The evil minds that rule this world,

From their dark and rusted kingdoms,

Disguised as men of good and justice,

But terror waits around the bend… waiting to come.

New roads new, new laws, to protect the people,

The hand of justice near;

Bells chiming above the steeples

Waiting for them to hear.

Politicians in their fancy clothes,

Climbing the latter of power.

Empty words and false hopes,

Keep them climbing higher.

Husks and hollow dreams of old,

Words so dead and lifeless.

Killing those who don’t fit their mold,

The just, the true, the righteous.

Thousands of kidnappings in a year,

Suffering, death, and heartbreak.

Hardness rules, no one sheds a tear;

To many lives are at stake.

Rape stands and waits a block away,

While death, a friendly neighbor.

The blood the spilled, the dirt and decay,

While insane minds savor.

The pain they cause as they see the death,

Of a life one holds close.

The blood that runs down their hands,

Marks the decision that they chose.

The bell it tolls, it tolls for thee,

Shows life as it is.

The tongues of corrupted men speak,

Words of justice,

Fake smiles and promises of peace,

Words on putting an end to death

While a beaten child in the corner,

has taken his last breath.

- A word on the world (and Justice)

martes, 8 de julio de 2008

a post of love (the secret letters part one)

The only thing that makes me happy in this home:
Fat rhino and Dimloss Inc.

Dear Dimloss... I remember the first time I met rhino. I had just entered the house, with all my bags, and there he was; standing in the sunlight, the moonlight in his eyes, a spatula in one hand and a dirty rag in the other, the loveliest thing I had ever seen... in a smooth manly voice he said... hey there, and twirled his rag around may i take your bags?
Before i could even answer he swept them off the floor and galavanted off to my room.
I could only stare after him jaw hung low and thats is the end of this letter... to be continued
Love your secret Homunculi...